Care for a bowl of creamy yogurt with fresh pom-pom blue-berries? Or, perhaps peaches would be a preferable topping? ~ Check out our easy and fun DIY “recipe” below to add this sensory food to your play kitchen! Supplies Used: Recycled Yogurt Container (or other suitable container) Large, White Pom-poms for Yogurt (we used theseContinue reading “~ DIY Yogurt and Fruit For Play Kitchen ~”
Tag Archives: 5Minutesorless
HoneyComb Dropper Activity
Practicing fine motor skills by dropping “honey” in the hexagon shaped “honeycomb.” Children (and even teens and adults) seem to LOVE this activity! There is something relaxing and captivating about filling each cell in the honeycomb pad with water droplets.
This fun and easy activity requries minimal prep, and is extremely Montessori and Waldrof friendly! Find out how to do it yourself on our latest blog post,